Croc's World 3 for windows instal
Croc's World 3 for windows instal

Croc's world is simple, colorful, round, bubbly and full of the cuteness level demanded of platformer fans. The designers have hit every mark in this game with an assured confidence that can only come with being a sequel, and more importantly, being a sequel on a dominant system. Though Croc 2 tries to throw in some innovations, it can't do anything but be an example of a platformer following all the rules and being nothing more than an A student at the head of the class: successful, but no one you'd ever want to talk to in the halls. Unlike Rayman 2, which seem to transcend the platforms that it was based on, this game is completely shackled by it - and more than that, though it's at times a fun platform romp, it reflects the end of a system that's pumped out a myriad of 3D platformers, in a variety of shapes and sizes. I say this because although this is a PC game, it's a PC game version of PSX game, and it really shows. The nice thing, so far at least, about video games is that they're like music - just when you think that everything is getting stale, that there's nowhere to go but down, a new system is released, and another Miyamoto or NeverSoft pops up and makes you remember exactly why you waste so much of your life on this stuff in the first place. There's a certain sea-sickness that comes at the end of successful systems, when you've played so many and so much of a genre that they begin to wash together into one ocean of racing, fighting, platforming, or whatever you played the hell out of on your system of choice.

Croc's World 3 for windows instal